The House Whisperer
My three-step house whispering process
is a game-changer.
Edit | Set | Style
Edit - Let's declutter! Together we make decisions regarding removing, recycling and repurposing. I believe less is more, but having said that, I work within your boundaries.
Set - Introduction of organisational systems and storage solutions.
Style - The House Whisperer Co magic happens here. Your refreshed, styled space will truly rise up to greet you!
Allow me to transform your:​​
butlers/pantry, cupboards, drawers, fridge, work surfaces
upper & lower storage, cosmetics, first aid, linen
wardrobes, drawer units, clothing, shoes & accessories
Children's spaces
toys, clothes, books, keepsakes & baby equipment
Living areas
bookshelves, sideboards, entertainment units
cleaning agents, cleaning equipment, linen
Home office / Study / Workplace
desks & work surfaces, equipment/tools, supplies, books, bookshelves
Garage / Storage
sports/camping equipment, tools, Christmas decorations, garden items, excess household items
various options available